It's ok to give to yourself from time to time
So the I had a massage… yes I know I’ve been rubbing it in a bit but hey, getting my money’s worth right?
But it triggered a lot of crap for me. Surprising since I work in the industry but it did…hello mum guilt. I don’t think it matters what you do or where in the world you are it’s going to hit somewhere along the line.
After a few physio sessions and as many gentle reminders that I need a massage I finally booked one in. I’d booked it two weeks in advance and was so excited for my two hours of bliss. It was going to be great, no one talking to me, zoned out from work and home stress, no more achey back and shoulders. Bliss!
Then a few days out it started. Maybe you should cancel... it’s a long way to go for a massage (I’d booked in with a mentor in Brisbane), do you really need a 2 hour session? Maybe you could get Sam to work on you for an hour and then you could still work for a day? There are plenty of other/ more important things you could put that money towards… That chorus was relentless! And it was actually really hard to not give in and cancel it.
But, I’m so glad I didn’t. Because having that time out let me relax, I’ve slept better over the last few nights, I’m not as snappy at the kids (or husband), I feel more inspired and creative, there have been so many fresh ideas come to me… in general I feel as though I have a lot more to give, rather than being tired and cranky all the time. You may have even noticed the absence of blog posts over the last couple of weeks… yep reached that point of total overwhelm.
So I just want to tell you that it is ok to treat yourself.That its not a waste of money booking a massage or a facial or hell it’s not even a waste of time going for a walk to clear your head. It’s a good thing to take some time out for yourself. In the long run it will actually benefit everyone around you. Women are naturally giving, we nurse the children, take care of the house and it is so easy to put yourself at the end of the priorities list. In reality though, you need to put yourself at the top because it’s so much easier to give when you aren’t pouring from an empty cup.
So let go of the mum guilt, you deserve to feel like a priority, you can give to yourself like you do your family and everyone else that usually comes first. If you are feeling as though you are at the end of your tether, let us help. Book yourself a massage or facial and reconnect with you. It might just make this next week of school holidays that bit easier.